
国产 探花 好意思国“漫画社交”宣传好意思日同盟
国产 探花 好意思国“漫画社交”宣传好意思日同盟
发布日期:2024-09-27 21:52    点击次数:59

国产 探花 好意思国“漫画社交”宣传好意思日同盟

在好意思日安保协议刚烈50周年以及广岛和长崎原枪弹爆炸65周年之际,好意思国军方推出了一系列漫画作品向日今年青一代宣传好意思日安全同盟偏激遑急性。好意思军驻日本人人事务处示意,禁受用漫画的花式作念宣传是因为这是日本东说念主最常用的一种疏导方式。据悉,这套漫画一共有四本,主要东说念主物为一个好意思国男孩和一个日本女孩国产 探花,两个东说念主是一又友。该系列的第一册《咱们的同盟——耐久的伙伴关连》已于本周三在网上公确立布,骚波妹影视讲的是好意思国男孩告诉日本女孩,他是来保卫她的家园的,做爱知识因为他们是“遑急的一又友”。据先容,在这四本漫画中,两位主角将深切了解驻日好意思军偏激在好意思日同盟中的作用。




The story features an American boy called Usa-kun (Lt) and a Japanese girl called Anzu Arai.

The US military is using manga-style comic books to promote to Japanese children its view on the importance of Washington and Tokyo's half-century security alliance.

The storyline of the new series features an American boy called Usa-kun - a word play on USA and "usagi", Japanese for rabbit - who wears a hooded jacket with bunny ears and befriends a Japanese girl, Anzu Arai.

In the first issue of "Our Alliance - A Lasting Partnership", to be published online on Wednesday, the boy tells Anzu that he has come to defend her home because they are "important friends".

The United States is publishing the Japanese-language comic as both nations mark the 50th anniversary of their security treaty, and two days before the 65th anniversary of the US atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

US-Japan ties have been strained for the past year as a new centre-Left government in Japan for months publicly toyed with the idea of moving a controversial US airbase off the southern island of Okinawa.

In the four-part comic series, the two main characters "explore and learn about the US military in Japan and its role in the US-Japan alliance," according to a statement from the US forces.

The US military chose the manga format because it is "a very common way of communicating in Japan," said Major Neal Fisher, deputy director of the US forces' public affairs office in Japan.

The United States, which defeated Japan in the Second World War and then occupied the country, has 47,000 troops stationed in the country.






(中国日报网英语点津 Helen 剪辑)国产 探花